Results Of Competition

Results Of Competition:

Running Tally

Dad: 2

Son: 1

Week 1:

Based on Vote between Dad & Son

Winner: Dad

Reason: Son put out 2 different stories with 4 chapters. Overall story concept was great with the Nameless Mark and ok with Hero of All. Spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure made reading story difficult.

Dad put out 2 chapters Prologue and Chapter 1. Minor errors with missing words and spelling. Overall story was ok but has not delved into actual story line yet.


Week 2:

Winner: Dad

Reason: Son again put out 2 stories 1 each for Nameless Mark and Hero of All. As with the last week spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure made reading the story very difficult. Son has agreed that he should drop one of the stories.

Dad put out 1 chapter and moved the story along pretty well. Not sure if it is conveying the story Dad has in mind and we will see over the next few weeks.

Week 3:

Winner: Son

Reason: Son has decided to stop doing Hero of All and focus on The Nameless Mark. Spelling, punctuation and sentence structure have improved but still needs more improvement.

Dad missed his quota and did not put out a story on time as stories are due Sunday. He did end up releasing a couple of days later. After a lot of thought Dad decided to do something he has never seen before in one of these stories (doesn’t mean it hasn’t been done before he just hasn’t seen it). He is incorporating first person from main characters POV into story (seen stories where its done 3rd person only or 1st person only but never a combination of both). We will see how that goes.